The most important thing about any website is its content. This can be images, video, audio, and text. All these materials help users to find information and products on the web, and search engines determine the value of the resource and show it to a larger audience. In this article, we’ll break down what unique content should be and how to make it.
But before we continue, we’d like to advise you on one excellent SEO service that will help you solve various technical routine tasks. For example, at this link:, you can find out what is the best topic to write text on to get to the first pages in the SERPs.
But why should I create unique content?
Unique content is the way to promote a website. The higher the uniqueness, the more likely the search engines will bring the site to the top, and people will see and visit it. In addition, a site with such content is more likely to attract the attention of advertisers, to whom you can sell advertising space.
But that’s not all! Unique content makes you different from your competitors and stays in the minds of your customers for a long time. Finally, unique content will build trust, and the higher the trust, the more active and willing customers will be to talk about your brand and recommend it to their friends.
How do you create unique and useful content?
Here are some suggestions on how to create unique, original, and just quality content.
Do an interview with a real person
Let’s assume your online resource is about some niche and quite a specific topic. You can generate unique content by interviewing a public person related to the topic of your resource. Prepare for the meeting in advance, think through its course, and take care of the technical support (recorder, camera, microphone, props, etc.).
You can talk to the person by phone or even by video link. By the way, the interview will be really interesting if you raise an important and relevant topic, as well as work on the quality of the text and dilute it with good photos.

Learn to write well, and don’t forget your grammar
This is especially relevant advice if you specialize in creating textual content. You can have the most original ideas in the world, but the reader will not understand badly written text. Being able to write intelligently and intelligibly is a key skill. You should know how to write good headings, the inverted pyramid principle, the importance of quotations, and the importance of dividing the text into meaningful parts.
But even if your text is well-written in terms of structure, it’s hard for readers to wade through the abundance of typos, punctuation, and grammatical errors. In addition, illiteracy hurts the reputation of the brand as a whole.
Impress your customers with design
Modern and quality content should not just be structured, which we discussed in the paragraph above, but also supplemented with illustrations, tables, graphs, etc. Artistic processing of material, talented presentation, and original author’s style – these are powerful advantages in the fight for a place at the top.
What is the threat of implementing non-unique content?
If you ignore the uniqueness and originality of content, you run the risk of falling under countless search engine filters. We list, for example, some of the ways in which Google fights for the quality of content on sites:
- Duplicate content – once the exact copies of the content are identified, there is a drastic reduction in the site’s ranking, and the ability to get them back is significantly more difficult.
- Omitted Results is a filter that leads to the removal of the resource from the search results. Of course, you can still find the site on the Internet if it gets under this filter, but only if you have a link.
- Panda – this filter detects not only plagiarism but also finds low-quality content. Panda mostly works with textual material. What happens if the site is imposed a filter algorithm Panda? It promptly falls down in SERP.
This list is not complete because search engines use a lot of different tools for punishment. To complete the picture, we will also mention the possible copyright problems if the plagiarism is detected by the owner of the original content.
When promoting the site, it is important to realize that the uniqueness of its content is a complex character. It is relevant for the entire site, not for individual pages, which the owner considers promising.